What are our quality standards and service policies?
Due to the "maker revolution" there are more brands now than ever. However, we are selective in our offer and strive for the highest quality. We also believe that independent retailers can stand out from the crowd through a unique product offering. A number of rules have been drawn up for the brands that are allowed to sell on Orderchamp. For workability, but also to meet us as a facilitator and to offer your retailers service. The following are essential for a successful brand:
- Offer unique products, we strive for an excellent range;
- Your catalog must consist of at least 20 products;
- Quality of your brand story, explain retailers your business and emphasize what distinguishes you from the rest;
- Let your banner and logo radiate atmosphere, invite with these tools;
- Your brand information is complete and reasonable (delivery time, shipping, minimum order values);
- This also counts for your product information, so fill out the materials, sizes, made in box and values if applicable;
- Use our (sub-sub) categories for optimal findability and label values and country of origin if applicable;
- Create collections to facilitate navigation for retailers;
- Your stock is always up to date.
- Your product photos are available to retailers and in line with the requirements (eg 1st photo is free standing with white background).
Communication & Orders
- Answer chat messages within 24 hours;
- Confirm / reject orders within 48 hours;
- Proactively approach followers to increase your brand's engagement;
- Fast, reasonable handling if a retailer is not satisfied;
- Communication in the inbox runs smoothly: no spamming and / or unprofessional messages;
- Available for emails and phone calls from the Orderchamp team;
- Out of stock of your products below 2%;
- Late delivery below 3%;
- Issue ratio below 5%;
- Damage percentage below 1%;
- Wrong delivery below 3%;
- Cancellation ratio below 2.5%;
- Negative feedback / ratings below 5%