How is my payout calculated?
To calculate what we have to pay you for an order, we always look at the subtotal, shipping costs or compensation, the commission, VAT, and if applicable, any discounts.
- Subtotal: this is the price of your products excluding VAT.
- Shipping: depending on the shipping method you choose, the shipping can either be compensated or deducted. Find out more about shipping here.
- Commission costs: will be shown either on the same or on a separate invoice. The commission is always listed excluding VAT first and is calculated on the subtotal.
- Discounts: if you have offered any discounts to the retailers, this will be shown on the invoice and will be deducted from the subtotal.
- VAT: depending on the order VAT will either be charged or shifted.
*Commission is fixed when you confirm the order. Therefore, if any products are removed from the order after confirmation, the commission will stay the same as when you have confirmed the order.
VAT on commission
If the commission is included in the product invoice, then the commission will have the same VAT % as the rest of the invoice. This means that if the VAT is shifted for the products, the VAT on the commission will be 0%.
If the VAT is not shifted for the products, then the commission will be 19% for DE, 20% for FR and 21% for BE & NL.
Separate commission invoice
If you have chosen for a separate commission invoice, then we will charge the commission through our NL VAT number, since these are costs for a service we provide and therefore are separated from the goods you deliver. If the goods are also invoiced through our NL VAT number, you will not receive a separate invoice for this.
However, if you would like to always receive a separate commission invoice, please send us an email at and we will enable that for you.