How will I pay VAT on my orders?
We are VAT registered in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Denmark and France. To determine from which entity we will create the invoice, is dependent on the country where you as a retailer are based. Please note, the VAT always follows the shipment.
BE Retailer
Buying from Own country - invoiced through BE (with local 21% VAT)
Buying from DE - invoiced through NL (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Buying from NL - invoiced through DE (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Buying from other - invoiced through NL (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
DE Retailer
Buying from Own country - invoiced through DE (with local 19% VAT)
Buying from BE - invoiced through NL (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Buying from NL - invoiced through DE (with local 19% VAT)
Buying from other - invoiced through NL (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
NL Retailer
Buying from Own country - invoiced through NL (with local 21% VAT)
Buying from BE - invoiced through DE (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Buying from DE - invoiced through NL (with local 21% VAT)
Buying from Other - invoiced through DE (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Other EU Retailer
Buying from Own country - invoiced through NL (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Buying from BE - invoiced through NL (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Buying from DE - invoiced through NL (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Buying from NL - invoiced through DE (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
Buying from other - invoiced through NL (with 0% reverse charged VAT)
non-EU Retailer
Buying from Own country - invoiced through NL (with 0% VAT)
Buying from BE - invoiced through NL (with 0% VAT)
Buying from DE - invoiced through NL (with 0% VAT)
Buying from NL - invoiced through DE (with 0% VAT)
Buying from other - invoiced through NL (with 0% VAT)
Please note: The carrier (may) charge local export duties directly to a non-EU retailer
What is the VAT Reverse Charge (Shifted VAT)?
When you buy goods or services from suppliers in other EU countries, the Reverse Charge moves the responsibility for the recording of a VAT transaction from the seller to the buyer for that good or service.
That way it eliminates or reduces the obligation for sellers to VAT register in the country where the supply is made. If the supplier incurs any local VAT on costs related to the service or goods supplied under the Reverse Charge, they may recover them through an EU VAT reclaim.
The Reverse Charge mechanism was created when the European Union Value Added Tax system was reformed for the launch of the single market in 1993, to help simplify the VAT reporting across the 27 member states.