What are the top expectations from our users?
The following rules are essential for a successful brand on Orderchamp.
Storefront management expectations:
- Offer unique products, we strive for an excellent range;
- Your catalog must consist of at least 20 products;
- We expect you to display your full collection/catalog on Orderchamp;
- Your stock is always up to date. You can use our integrations for this;
- Your product information is filled in & accurate, so fill out the materials, sizes, made in fields and values if applicable;
- Quality of your brand story, explain retailers your business and emphasize what distinguishes you from the rest;
- Let your banner and logo radiate atmosphere
- Your brand information is complete and reasonable (delivery time, shipping, minimum order values);
- Use our (sub-sub) categories for optimal findability and label values and country of origin if applicable;
- Create collections to facilitate navigation for retailers;
- Your product photos are available to retailers and in line with the requirements (e.g. 1st photo is free standing with white background).
Order management expectations:
- Answer chat messages from retailers: within 24 hours;
- Confirm / reject orders: within 24 hours;
- Ship orders after confirmation: 48 hours;
- Cancellations for Out of stock orders: below 5%;
- Issue rate: below 5%
- Late delivery fulfilment: below 3%;
- Damaged goods on delivery: below 1%;
- Wrong goods delivered: below 3%;
- Order Cancellation rate: below 2.5%;
- Negative feedback / ratings: below 5%
Not meeting these performance expectations can have consequences, as described here.
Overall communication expectations:
- Fast, reasonable handling if a retailer is not satisfied & raised an issue or complaint with you directly or with Orderchamp Customer Support;
- Communication in your inbox runs smoothly: no spamming and / or unprofessional messages;
- Be available for emails and phone calls from the Orderchamp team on the email & phone number listed on your brand account; keep these contact details updated in your backoffice when changes in your team happen;
- Fair treatment for retailers: consider carefully when rejecting an order; if you’re missing details about the retailer’s profile we encourage you to reach out to the retailer or Orderchamp Support team before taking the decision to reject that retailer’s order for not being a fit to your brand;
- Proactively approach followers to increase your brand's engagement;
- No platform circumvention: respect the platform guidelines & do not engage in unfair commercial practices by approaching retailers to order from you directly outside of our platform, asking them to pay you directly or pointing them to your other competitive platforms storefronts.