LUCID - How to register?
What you need to do to register:
- Step 1 - Click here:
- Step 2 - Fill in your company name, contact details, email address and password
- Step 3 - Check your email!
- You have received an email named LUCID: Activation Link from Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister
- Step 4 - to activate the login, click on the following link where you will find further information regarding the next steps. This link is only valid for 24h, then it expires.
- Step 5 - After activation, you can login to the LUCID database at the website of the Verpackungs register and continue your registration by filling in more details.
Please make sure that you have the following data ready to complete your LUCID registration:
- Details about your packaging that is and is not subject to system participation. List the packaging that you place on the German market for the first time commercially as a producer within the meaning of the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act).
- Basic principle: for the purposes of the Verpackungsgesetz, a producer is anyone who is the first to fill packaging with goods. For further information on producer status, please see this overview.
- Listing of all brand names under which you place packaging filled with goods on the German market on a commercial basis for the first time. This is generally the packaging that you fill for the first time and provide to a third party.
- For more information on this distinction please visit the official website of the Verpackungs register.
- VAT number (‘Value added tax identification number’). In Germany, it consists of the country code DE and nine digits (example: DE123456789). If you do not have a VAT number, please enter your company’s taxpayer reference number.
- National identification number, e.g. commercial register number, information from your trade registration, agricultural company number or similar official information that uniquely identifies your company. Generally the responsible authority and the date of issue should be provided as well.
Register your packaging
When registering for a LUCID number you’ll be asked to share which kind of packaging you are using. You’ll have 7 options to choose from:
- Retail, grouped and shipment packaging that typically accumulates as waste with private final consumers/comparable sources of waste generation after use, and service packaging
- This selection should be made by anyone who fills empty packaging for the first time with goods and hands it over to final consumers or distributors on a commercial basis in Germany and that packaging typically accumulates as waste with private final consumers. Manufacturers of packaged goods are one example. This selection should also be made by mail order and online retailers that fill shipment packaging with goods and send it.
- Exclusively pre-participated service packaging
- Relevant final distributors such as bakeries, restaurants or takeaway providers should make this selection if they purchase all of their packaging exclusively with pre-participation.
- Service packaging is considered exclusively pre-participated if an upstream distributor (e.g. suppliers, wholesalers) have undertaken full system participation for the unfilled packaging and indicate accordingly on the invoice and/or delivery note.
- Single-use beverage packaging subject to deposit
- This selection should be made by people who place single-use beverage packaging subject to deposit pursuant to section 31 VerpackG, fill it with a beverage for the first time and hand it over to final consumers or distributors on a commercial basis in Germany. This excludes beverage manufacturers in particular.
- Packaging that does not accumulate as waste with private final consumers
- This selection applies particularly to distributors of industrial packaging filled with goods.
- Packaging is not subject to system participation if it typically accumulates as waste somewhere other than with private final consumers.
- Retail packaging for hazardous contents
- Anyone who places packaging filled with hazardous contents on the German market should make the selection. Hazardous contents are only the substances, compounds and products detailed in Appendix 2 to section 3 (7) VerpackG. This generally involves the following:
- Substances and mixtures to which the self-service ban under the Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung (Chemicals Ban Ordinance) would apply;
- Agricultural chemicals for professional users;
- Certain respiratory sensitizing compounds;
- Certain oils, liquid fuels and other petrochemical products.
- Transport packaging
- This selection applies to people who deliver goods in transport packaging. For example single-use palettes to retailers via a forwarding agent or their own freight operators. Transport packaging typically does not accumulate with final consumers and instead remains with retailers. It is therefore not the same as shipment packaging, which typically accumulates as waste with private consumers. Retailers are the sector of the economy that sell the goods onwards in the form in which they were received (e.g. individually) without processing them further.
- Transport packaging is often used to bundle multiple sales units into one transport unit. Transport packaging does not include any packaging for sales units (one-piece packaging, multi-piece packaging), even if they also provide protection during transport.
- Reusable packaging
- Anyone who places reusable packaging filled with goods on the German market should make this selection. Pursuant to section 3 (3) VerpackG, reusable packaging is packaging that is intended:
- To be used multiple times for the same purpose;
- Actual return and reuse is facilitated by suitable logistics;
- Encouraged by appropriate incentive system - Usually a deposit.
- All three of these criteria listed must be met, including the suitable incentive system.